Wallenburg pica syndrome
Wallenburg pica syndrome

wallenburg pica syndrome

The infarcted area has high DWI signal and is low signal on ADC 6. Lateral medullary syndrome, also known as Wallenberg syndrome, is a clinical syndrome caused by an acute ischemic infarct of the lateral medulla oblongata. Im aware that this fits the definition of lateral medullary syndrome/PICA syndrome/Wallenburgs. The study focuses on normal and variant anatomy of PICA in Uttar Pradesh. Previously he was very fit - in fact training for a marathon. MRI with DWI is the best diagnostic test to confirm the infarct in the lateral medulla 6. This may lead to lateral medullary syndrome, alsocalled Wallenberg syndrome. Wallenberg syndrome, also known as lateral medullary syndrome or posterior inferior cerebellar artery ( PICA) syndrome, is the most prevalent posterior ischemic stroke syndrome. Vertebral artery dissection, the commonest cause in young patients Lateral medullary syndrome is caused most commonly by:Ītherothrombotic occlusion of the vertebral artery, the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, or the medullary arteries An estimated 60,000 new cases occur each.

wallenburg pica syndrome

It is caused most commonly due to atherothrombotic vertebral artery occlusion, followed by posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) and medullary arteries. Ipsilateral bulbar muscle weakness: hoarseness, dysphonia, dysphagia, and dysarthria, decreased gag reflex ( nucleus ambiguus) 1-3 Wallenberg syndrome is a neurological condition that is also referred to as lateral medullary syndrome or posterior inferior cerebellar artery syndrome. Wallenberg’s syndrome or lateral medullary syndrome is associated with a variety of symptoms due to involvement of lateral segment of the medulla. Sensory symptoms: loss of pain and temperature over the ipsilateral face (this may be variable 8) and contralateral side of body 1-3 Vestibulocerebellar symptoms: ipsilateral hemiataxia, vertigo, falling towards the side of lesion, multidirectional nystagmus ( inferior cerebellar peduncle and vestibular nucleus) 1-3Īutonomic dysfunction: ipsilateral Horner syndrome, hiccups 1-3 Hypertension is the commonest risk factor followed by smoking and diabetes mellitus 5. 20% of ischemic strokes occur in the posterior circulation 5. Lateral medullary syndrome is the most prevalent posterior ischemic stroke syndrome 5.

Wallenburg pica syndrome